DET Certified
Air Tightness Testing
Duct and Envelope Tightness Testing for Builders and Homeowners
- Serving ALL of North Georgia -
Duct and Envelope Tightness Testing for Builders and Homeowners
- Serving ALL of North Georgia -
Ellijay Blower Door offers code-required building envelope tightness testing, also known as a blower door test, to residential builders and homeowners throughout North Georgia. We also offer duct tightness (or duct blaster) testing.
A blower door test (also known as a door fan test, building envelope tightness test, or air tightness test) tells you how airtight a house is.
We use specialized equipment to depressurize your home to -50 Pa, then measure the amount of airflow that is coming into the home through plumbing and lighting fixtures, around windows and doors, and through the walls and ceilings.
The amount of airflow into the home is divided by the volume of the conditioned space within the home to arrive at an ACH50 calculation. ACH stands for air changes per hour. State and local building codes require new homes to measure below 5.0 ACH50.
A duct blast test (also known as a duct tightness test) determines how airtight a home's HVAC duct system is. It is similar to a blower door test, but instead of depressurizing the home, we pressurize the duct system.
Duct blast tests are usually conducted at 25 Pa. The amount of air leakage is divided into the square footage of the home to determine a leakage ratio. IECC and GA building codes require post-construction total duct leakage in new homes to test below 6%.
We know your time is valuable. We know you need testing done promptly and without any hassle. We want to help you get your required testing done as quickly and accurately as possible so you can pass your final inspection.
If your house does not pass code, we can help you locate leaky areas that need additional air sealing and will work with you to get it to pass.
Building your new mountain home yourself?
Self-contracting? Many homeowners don't know they need a blower door test until a building inspector tells them it is required to get their C.O. (Certificate of Occupancy).
If you need a blower door test fast, call us at
706-669-0969. We will work with you to get your test scheduled and completed as quickly as possible, with accurate results you can trust. Get your C.O. and start enjoying your new home today.